Ann-Kathrin Steger

Public Law and International Law
Licher Straße 76
D-35394 Gießen


Ann-Kathrin Steger earned a BA in Political and Social Studies from the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg and a MA in Peace and Conflict Studies from the Goethe-University Frankfurt in Germany. During this time she worked as a student assistant at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) where she contributed to the project International Norms in Dispute: Contestation and Norm Robustness headed by Professors Nicole Deitelhoff and Lisbeth Zimmermann. By the end of 2020 Steger completed her LLM in International Law at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Steger’s academic interests include human rights law and legal theory, focusing on historical materialist and postcolonial approaches.

In June 2021 she joined the research project “Seeing Antisemitism Through Law: High Promises or Indeterminacies?” (SATL) directed by Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn and Dr. Reut Yael Paz.