“Artistic Freedom as an Excuse”? The Antisemitism Debate at the Documenta Fifteen – Between Art and Law
On the 23rd of February 2023 at 16.00 PM (CET) we are pleased to host:
Prof. Dr. Ralf Michaels, LL.M. (Cambridge), Director of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Chair in Global Law at Queen Mary University of London and Professor of Law at the University of Hamburg, who will talk about
“Artistic Freedom as an Excuse”? The Antisemitism Debate at the Documenta Fifteen – Between Art and Law.
The talk will be commented on by Prof. Dr. Christoph Möllers, LL.M. (Chicago), Professor of Public Law and Philosophy of Law at the Humboldt University Berlin and Permanent Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin.
An open discussion will follow the talk.
This will be an online event, accessible via Zoom.
To register and join please write us an email at satl.abm.talks[at]recht.uni-giessen.de

Jené Stephaniuk, jenegallery, Unsplash Licence