Eight problems of conceptualizing antisemitism

On Thursday, the 29th of June 2023, at 15.00 PM CET we are pleased to host 

Dr. Dr. Peter Ullrich
, Senior Researcher at the Center for Technology and Society, TU Berlin; Fellow at the Center for Research on Antisemitism, TU Berlin and at the Institute for Protest and Movement Research (ipb), who will talk about

“Eight problems of conceptualizing antisemitism“.

The talk will be commented on by Dr. Brian Klug, Honorary Fellow in Social Philosophy, Campion Hall, University of Oxford; Emeritus Fellow, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford.

The Talk will be held in English. An open discussion will follow the talk.

This will be an online event, accessible via Zoom. To register and join please write us an email at satl.abm.talks[at]recht.uni-giessen.de

Picture by Bruno Martins (@brunus), Unsplash License