When is a swastika a swastika? – Analysis in report by RIAS NRW
The Research and Information Center on Anti-Semitism North Rhine-Westphalia (RIAS NRW) – a civil society organisation – has published a report dedicated to the antisemitic desecration of the cemetery in Geilenkirchen and the subsequent criminal trial. Our research assistant Ann-Kathrin Steger followed the trial in the courtroom of the Geilenkirchen district court and contributed to the report. In the article she deals in particular with the doctrinal figure of the “impartial third party” in the context of the interpretation of Section 86a StGB and problems with the classification of swastika-like symbols.
The whole publication is available only in German and free of charge on the RIAS NRW website: https://report-antisemitism.de/analysis/